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Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 11th Nov 2024


This sets out the contract between the owners of ("Us" / "We") and users ("You").

  • This is a community website for people who never received a covid injectable, commonly referred to as a "vaccine". The site is provided as is, for the purpose of connecting people who seek friendships, relationships, and events / services provided to this community.
  • If any term in this contract is deemed unenforceable in a court of law, the remaining terms shall still stand.
  • By using this website, you agree to this contract. If you break the terms of this contract, we may suspend or terminate your account.
  • This website is run by Unjibbed Limited, UK company # 15609804.
  • The minimum age for the use of this site is 18 years, or older if your local jurisdiction requires it be older.
  • To facilitate the provision of this service, we must ask every prospective member about their covid "vaccine" status. If this is deemed an infringement of the right to medical privacy, then you may either waive that right in order to join, or choose not to use this site.
  • You understand that we do not conduct any background checks on any members. Like all such websites, we cannot guarantee that people represent themselves factually. We take their presentations on trust, partly because people have nothing to gain by misrepresenting themselves - e.g. the "vaccinated" population is larger and easier to find a partner in than the "unvaccinated".
  • Should you make contact with another person on this site, we strongly advise that you exercise all of the usual cautions. This includes: for a first meeting, always meet in a public space; arrange to contact a friend some time into your meeting to confirm your safety.
  • We can take no responsibility for any eventuality that occurs as a result of using this website.
  • This site acts as a private members' club; membership is not a right. We will not tolerate any abusive behaviour, either to the staff, owners, or other members. We do not discriminate on race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation (so long as legal). However, we may ban people we deem undesirable based on our personal judgement, and no explanation need be given.
  • This website operates in the United Kingdom, and shall be governed by the rules of the UK, and any legal dispute arising about it shall only be heard in a court of competent jurisdiction in England, UK.

Prohibited Uses

  • It is strictly prohibited to use this site for any illegal activity.
  • It is also prohibited to use this site for the purposes of journalistic research, without prior written permission. Should you be in breach of this rule, you agree to pay us compensation to the amount of £1,000 per day (part or whole) of use of this site.
  • It is also prohibited to copy members' content, whether text or images, for any purpose, without their prior written consent.

Profiles and Content

  • As a member of this website, you may create a personal profile and up to three event / service profiles.
  • Your personal profile will only be visible to other members of this site when there is a mutual match between your search criteria.
  • The personal profile will be displayed whether you have a free membership, or a paid subscription.
  • Your profiles may not contain profanities, nor any content that is extremist, illegal, or inciting of hatred.
  • Your personal profile may not contain your contact details, e.g. phone number, email address, website addresses, social media usernames, nor any specific locations where you may be found.
  • We do not own the copyright in the free text portions of your profile. In creating your profile, you grant us a license to use that text on this website.
  • You may not create a profile to impersonate another person.


  • Images should ideally show you and you alone, in a recent photo (e.g. taken within the last year).
  • Nobody else's face may be visible in the image, although anonymous images (e.g. scenic photos, memes) are currently allowed.
  • No weapons of any kind may be shown, nor any children (under 18s) - not even your own children, nor even you as a child.
  • Images must have the right orientation (i.e. no sideways or upside down images will be approved, though there are controls for correcting this within the site).
  • Images may not be animated, nor may they contain viruses.
  • Images should be tasteful and not "Adult content". Nudity is not permitted, nor are close ups of genitals, whether clothed or unclothed. As a guide to what should be worn in photos, beach-wear is the minimum.
  • No web links, business names, or contact data may be shown in personal images. (You may include these in images for event / service profiles.)
  • You must have the right to use any image that you upload (i.e. there is no copyright infringement). In uploading any image, you provide us a license to use such images on this website.


  • This site enables members to message each other under certain conditions.
  • These include that one member must have a current paid subscription.
  • Messages are automatically deleted after 6 months.
  • Messaging and access to previous messages are only possible when both parties' profiles are a mutual match, e.g. with personal profiles, when each party meets the other's requirements.

Event / Service Profiles

  • Your event / service profiles are only displayed when you have a paid subscription, and unlike personal profiles, these may include contact details.
  • Any website address you link to in your events profiles must be safe, that is, not contain viruses nor malware, nor malicious nor pornographic content.
  • We take no responsibility for the content of external websites linked to in event / service profiles. Should you become aware of any websites linked to Event/Service profiles that breach the above rules, we ask you to inform us by reporting the profile, so we can take appropriate action.

Online Safety

  • While disagreements are an accepted part of life, members may not treat each other (or the staff / owner of this site) abusively.
  • We provide controls to enable the reporting of profiles where a significant problem has occurred. We ask members that they do report problems or reasonable concerns, in order that we can take whatever steps are necessary to keep everyone safe, physically and emotionally. Similarly, we ask that any activity that is suspicious, e.g. suggestive of scamming, be reported.
  • Any member that has been reported will have their account frozen until we are able to investigate the matter.
  • Members must not use the "report" facility frivolously or maliciously.


  • We may present adverts on pages wihin this website, under the heading "Advert(s)". These may be automatically selected for you based on the selections you make in your personal profile.
  • If you click on any such advert, it will typically take you to a third party website.
  • You should assume that if you then make a purchase, that we will earn a referral fee. This is facilitated by our link to the third party website uniquely identifying us as the promoter. Third party websites typically use cookies (see below) to manage this and allocate referral fees.

Privacy Policy

  • Our contact details: we can be reached via the Support form, or at: Unjibbed Ltd, 6 Rayleigh Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE13 6AQ, United Kingdom
  • The type of information we collect: We collect information you provide to us for the creation of an account. For this, we need your contact details (name, email address, phone number), your login credentials, your gender, and date of birth. We keep a record of your last login in order to determine if your profile is dormant.
  • For the creation of a personal profile connected to that account, we collect your personal preferences and what you are seeking in friendships and / or relationships. The majority of these questions are voluntary, and for the purpose of matching you to other profiles in searches, and for expressing who you are to other members.
  • If you purchase premium membership, payment information is collected by a separate payment service provider (PSP), currently Stripe. We do not collect any payment card details ourselves. We provide Stripe with your name, email address, and what you intend to purchase, and they provide us with confirmation that payment(s) has (have) been successful.
  • If you use a promotional link when you create your account, we keep that information. This is so we can monitor the success of advertising in different places. These links might also originate from another member, in which case we collect that information in order to reward those members for sharing this website with others. (In turn you may share your own link with others to receive rewards yourself.)
  • If you contact our customer support team via the web form or email, we collect that information also.
  • We also collect messages you send to other members through this website in order to make this website function. Also if you use "connect" with them (i.e. use the "like", "love", or "follow" buttons), or simply view other profiles, we record that information. We inform the other member if you connect with them or message them, as that is the purpose of these actions, and by default, we inform them if you view their profile.
  • Information we receive from others: we receive information from other users, for instance if they message you, use a connection, contact us directly about you, or in the unlikely event that someone blocks or reports you.
  • Cookies: cookies are small files that we send to your browser, which your browser will usually store in its internal data. We use cookies as strictly necessary, in order to determine that you have logged in to this website and which account you have logged into. If you opt to "stay logged in", the cookies we send are set to expire in about 13 months if not updated in the interim. Otherwise the login cookie will be set to expire within less than 24 hours. Whether your browser does delete cookies at the correct time is beyond our control. You can delete cookies manually on your browser by going to "Settings" / "Privacy and Security". (Details may vary depending on the browser you use.) Deleting the login cookie will have the effect of logging you out.
  • We may also collect information about your browser when using the site and/or submitting a support request, in order to monitor usage and assist with customer support and website maintenance / development. This is because any useability problem could be browser-related.
  • How we use your information: we use your information to manage your account, provide the website's services to you, provide support to you at your request, allow you to search for profiles where there is a mutual match, to show users each other's profiles, and to facilitate communication between users.
  • If you delete your account, we retain some anonymous demographic data, namely: your date of joining, date of leaving, gender, country / region selected, age in years, advert through which you joined (if any), and if you choose to indicate your reasons for leaving, that also may be stored. This is to monitor which adverts are effective, and so on.
  • We may also collect IP address and related data from non-members who visit this website, for the purposes of detecting and preventing misuse of the website. We may retain IP addresses which we have deemed necessary to block; IP addresses of non-suspicious behaviour will be automatically deleted within 1-2 months.
  • How we store data: the majority of the data we hold is on a secure server, hosted by a trusted third party service provider. In the case of email communication, emails may be held on our relevant email programs.

General Use of Information

  • Other users of this website may see part or all of your profile when there is a mutual match in the search criteria you each specify in your personal profiles.
  • Event / Service profiles: If you create this type of profile, you can specify your audience's demographics, e.g. the genders / age-range / other personal characteristics of your intended audience. People whose personal profiles match these demographics can find your event by the search facility, but not the other way around - you cannot search for profiles having demographics matching your event / service, except via your own personal profile. Similarly, people can initiate contact with you via your event / service profile, but not the other way around.
  • If, using your personal profile, you contact someone else's event / service profile by either "following" or messaging them, they will be informed of any such connection, see any such message, be able to see at least part of your profile, infer that you match their event / service profile's demographic criteria, and be able to reply to your message.
  • We take reasonable steps to ensure data on this site remains private. Notwithstanding that, we cannot make guarantees, e.g. in case we are hacked, or in case an error occurs.
  • In the unlikely event that we become aware of a serious crime being committed in connection with this website, we will provide police with all data they need to investigate that, and no more.
  • If we are compelled by law to hand over data, we will do so, though if we do not believe a crime has been committed, we may legally fight any demand we consider not legally enforceable.

Our Use of Your Contact Data

  • We use email as our primary mode of contact. We use this as our first mode of contact for all administrative purposes.
  • We may send you various notifications via email - e.g. if someone views your account, messages you, if there is a new blog, etc. You can switch these optional notifications on or off on your Account / Options page.
  • We may, at some point in the future, implement SMS phone verification for accounts to prevent "robots", etc. from registering accounts here.
  • In answering support requests, our first method of reply is always email. If that doesn't appear to reach the person requesting support, if a telephone number is given, we may contact that via SMS or a call. We generally don't follow up if an account is unconfirmed, and no support request is made, in order not to be intrusive.

Deletion of Data

  • If / when you delete your account, all associated profile data are deleted with it, except as noted below:
  • We may retain messages sent between members via this website for up to six months, regardless of whether the sender still has an account here. After six months, they are automatically deleted.
  • If an account is reported because of alleged breach of this contract, that account is frozen: deletion or editing of reported accounts is not possible, until we are able to investigate the account to make a decision on how to proceed.
  • In the event that we remove a member from this site owing to a breach of this contract, we may retain their name, email address(es) and phone number(s) indefinitely in order to prevent their re-registration.
  • We may also retain indefinitely the profile-names of all deleted accounts, in order to prevent their re-use and the ensuing confusion this could cause.
  • We may ourselves delete unpaid accounts we consider dormant, e.g. if there is no login or other activity related to an account for more than a year.
  • We may access all profiles, images, and messages for market research, administration of the account, and if necessary for conflict resolution.
  • If you registered using a link identifying a promotional campaign or other user, we retain the minimum information needed to keep statistics on the success of such campaigns, or to pay appropriate rewards to the other user.
  • We must also keep financial records for legal and tax purposes.

Paid Subscriptions

  • Having a paid subscription gives you the following premium facilities:
  • You can initiate sending a personalized message.
  • People can reply to your messages so long as you have a paid subscription.
  • You can elect to browse "incongnito", i.e. without the other person being alerted to your having visited their profile.
  • Any event / service profiles you also have will be visible on the site while you have a paid subscription.
  • Subscriptions are normally paid monthly, by automatic payment. You may cancel at any time, which means that you will continue to have premium facilities until the end of the period already paid for, but no further payment will be made unless you resubscribe.
  • There may be short periods of down-time, e.g. if the website providing hosting is temporarily down, or if further development or fixes are required. For periods of down-time less than a day long, no compensation will be given. If the site is down for more than a day at a time, then premium members' subscriptions will be extended by the number of days the site was down for.
  • This service is provided in the UK. We will collect taxes as necessary for the provision of this service. Should you also need to pay tax to your own local jurisdiction outside of the UK, that is your responsibility.


  • To discuss anything relating to this contract, please open a support ticket