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Trudeau Resigns

Created on: 2025-01-07

Modified on: 2025-01-08

This is some of the best news we've had in years!

Remember when this vicious little tyrant said:

"We're gonna make sure that people who choose not to get vaccinated don't get to go on a plane or a train, don't get to work in the public service, don't get to - by working with the provinces on vaccine certifications and mandates - don't get to go to movie theatres, or gyms, or restaurants, and other non-essential services - that's how we keep people safe."

But . . . the "vaccines" were non-sterilising - so never prevented transmission. So at best - in a counterfactual world in which they actually worked - they could only ever protect the individual taking them, not anyone else. So no duty ever fell on anyone to take these for anyone else.

And had they worked, those who had taken them would never have needed to fear those who hadn't.

And they weren't even vaccines by the definition in use prior to 2020. They are gene therapies.

Here's another quote from the same speech:

"There is a small, fringe element in this country that is angry, that doesn't believe in science, that is lashing out, with racist, misogynistic attacks . . . ."

Trudeau has no idea what science is, and the rest are pure ad hominem attacks on the health freedom movement, "straw man" arguments, which are frankly bizarre.

But hey, just do everything you can to smear your political enemies.

Trudeau tried his damnedest to mandate these experimental and highly dangerous gene therapies on the whole population of Canada, making him partly responsible for the tsunami of severe injuries and deaths they caused.

For these and many other reasons, he's out, and not a moment too soon.

History will not look kindly on him.


After writing this, I just found this old clip from my covid files - this was recorded by "RN" and shared on social media no later than April 2021, and questions whether Trudeau even had the jab. Her case sounds compelling. I guess this would make Trudeau all of the things he accused so-called anti-vaxxers of.

At the time, there were a number of videos of famous people apparently getting the shot, which looked dodgy.

I've had many shots in my life (like most of us, though I quit long before covid), and none were delivered like in this video.

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