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Anti-Vaxxer Myths and Truths

Created on: 2024-12-17

Modified on: 2024-12-24

First published at Healing

We frequently hear how terrible so-called covid "anti-vaxxers" are, so I put together this list of myths versus reality.

Often, I write to the converted, but here I write to those with a dim view of "anti-vaxxers". If you are already a covid vaccine skeptic, this might be an article to share with those who are skeptical of your skepticism.

I contrast two sides: those who are skeptics of the response to covid - lockdowns, mask mandates, coercion to vaccinate - versus proponents of all of these. Here goes:

  1. Myth: Everyone who speaks out against the covid vaccines is "just an anti-vaxxer".

    Truth: many leading qualified voices that warned against these biologics (more on that in a mo') were and are doctors, other health professionals, and scientists who have been explicitly in favour of the majority of vaccines, one might say "conventional" vaccines, and yet they saw, either in the hospitals where they worked, or in the officially sourced statistics, evidence that the side effects from these vaccines are dramatically worse than for other vaccines.

    graph, graph, showing VAERS reports for covid versus non covid vaccines graph, graph, showing VAERS reports for covid versus non covid vaccines

    VAERS reports for fatalities following covid vaccines versus all other vaccines combined

    This difference was apparent as early as the end of January 2021.

    The characterization of critics as "just anti-vaxxers" suggests that any deviation from 100% faith in all vaccines is somehow wrong, when in fact any serious study of the history of vaccines, or medicine in general, will show there have been many medicines and prophylactics which passed all initial licensing requirements, only to later be withdrawn from the market when more information about their lack of safety came to light.

    Further, many of the people who've spoken out about covid vaccine injuries are themselves either injured by these biologics, or bereaved by them. This only happened because, far from being anti-vax, they were believers in vaccines, and trusting of what they were told, only to suffer later.

    Many such victims have been cast as "anti-vax" in the press, which has whipped up ill feeling in the public against such people. It is not only irrational, but a disgrace that media hacks have done this to people who have already suffered enough.

    Getting back to the use of the term "biologics" in place of "vaccines" - it is even a matter of debate whether the covid "vaccines" are vaccines at all. This begs the question: what is a vaccine?

    The word comes from the Latin term for "cowpox". "Vaccinating" originally meant "cowpoxing" - which was believed to protect against smallpox. (The history is fascinating, but let's not go astray.) Of course, the term was soon generalised to injecting with any pathogen intended to provoke an immune response.

    But that's not the mechanism by which the covid biologics worked. The majority were explicitly gene therapies intended to cause the recipient to produce the pathogen in his or her own cells. This is a completely different mechanism of action. We can quote experts, like Emeritus Professor Angus Dalgleish who recently repeated that these biologics are "not vaccines, they are horrible gene therapies."

    Why then was the term "vaccine" used? In terms of marketing psychology, naming these biologics as "vaccines" is an example of piggy-backing. The public was broadly trusting of vaccines, so that was the term to use. Had the manufacturers been more honest, they would have referred to these biologics as "novel and experimental gene therapies", but that would not have succeeded commercially.

    So, in many, many cases, critics of the covid vaccines are not "anti-vaxxers" at all.

    However, many are indeed critical of vaccines in general, and the majority of such people took this position after seeing vaccine harms with their own eyes, and/or after long consideration and study of the subject, often spanning years or even decades.

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  3. Myth: Anti-vaxxers are ignorant of science.

    A personal anecdote: in December 2021, an "anti-anti-vaxxer" engaged me in a discussion about covid tests. I nonchalantly replied, "Well, even Fauci admitted that after forty cycles, the result is meaningless." The other person, who was studying for a PhD and calls herself a scientist, replied, "Who's Fauci?"

    I was too shocked and too tactful to point out that Fauci was the single most famous doctor in the world - and he's supposedly on her side! Neither did she know what a PCR test was, nor a cycle in relation to it.

    She had badly over-estimated her knowledge of the subject, and I've had this kind of experience with different people, many times over.

    To be clear, I don't mind when people don't know any given subject - it's when they know nothing of substance about an issue, but condescend to others who have studied it in depth - that is not a good look.

    Remember the old story of the fox and the crow: The fox spies the crow up in the trees, eating a piece of cheese. The fox flatters the crow, saying that his voice is beautiful, and he'd love to hear him sing. The crow bursts into song and drops the cheese, which the fox catches before running away.

    When CEOs of pharmaceutical companies that stand to make a killing, their investors, their presstitutes in the mainstream media, and others, tell you that "anti-vaxxers are anti-science," they're engaging in psychological warfare against you.

    On the one hand they're flattering those who go along with the narrative - like the fox flattering the crow - by implying that they're on the side of the more intelligent, in order to get something from them - namely compliance, another sale of another vaccine, etc.

    On the other hand, they're also directly insulting anyone who dares to denigrate their product. This is another form of coercion to keep people within the fold.

    The reality is, I've spoken with many people who are covid vaccine skeptics, and the majority are immersed in the subject, the science, the politics, and so on. We are the ones who read and listen to experts like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Kennedy, Steve Kirsch (data scientist), Edward Dowd (market analyst), and many others who bring hard evidence for our case.

    Some critics of covid vaccination were doctors and nurses who directly saw the harms in their immediate place of work. Other covid vaccine skeptics personally knew or knew of someone - or several people - in their social circle who suffered terribly immediately after taking a vaccine, and perhaps even died.

    In contrast, I've found that our critics - one of whom was an editor who openly described herself as "vehemently anti anti-vaxxers" - really hadn't studied the subject at all, and over-estimated their knowledge. They may have read tabloid hit-pieces on the authors mentioned above - but seldom the authors themselves.

  4. Myth: Anti-vaxxers gloat when a vaccinated person suffers or dies.

    Truth: this is preposterous, and false, yet has been voiced in the mainstream media. It's just another straw-man argument. We covid vaccine skeptics tried to warn people to spare them from taking unnecessary risks.

    In 2021 I met a woman, probably in her thirties, who tried desperately to warn her cousin not to take the "jab". She was unsuccessful, the cousin took the jab, and died shortly afterwards.

    In my own social circle, the first person to die of anything during covid was the brother of someone I had met a couple of times. Brother and sister took the jab together, both immediately fell ill. The sister recovered, but the brother did not, and was dead within a week.

    Stories like these are legion. Nobody gloats over such stories.

  5. Myth: Anti-vaxxers are just in it for the money.

    Truth: This accusation is leveled at many experts who have given up good careers to speak out. In Britain, Dr. Clare Craig, for example, has been an outspoken critic of the response to covid, and lost her career as a doctor in the process. Everyone in her position who has spoken out knew they were taking such risks.

    As with other experts, Dr. Craig has written a book, and for this has been accused of "being in it for the money". It is ludicrous to suggest that anyone would set fire to a good career in the hope that a year or two down the line they might be able to retire on the proceeds of a book which is not yet written. Few authors become rich, and these subjects are too niche to be a business plan. The setting fire to their careers was something done out of necessity when a moral backbone collided with the requirements of their profession; books and anything else are an afterthought.

    Contrast that with the eye-watering amounts of money that were made from the sale of covid vaccinations, and the hypocrisy of this accusation becomes clear.

  6. Myth: Anti-vaxxers were responsible for the prolongation of the lockdowns.

    Truth: even according to the most orthodox sources, the covid biologics were non-sterlising vaccines, i.e. they did not prevent transmission.

    But if the vaccines, or whatever they were, didn't prevent transmission, why then were we kept in lockdown long after the most vulnerable sectors of the population had been vaccinated?

    And if the vaccines were 100% effective - as was initially claimed - why were the vaccinated so fearful of the unvaccinated?

    To make sense of our governments' responses to covid, you have to abandon the official narrative, which was riddled with such holes.

    To see it clearly, turn around 180 degrees, and view the response as a product launch. A product launch by pharmaceutical giants, aided and abetted by the bought-and-paid-for mass media, and enforced by governments who were gullible and / or didn't dare oppose the hysteria.

    The vaccines were not there to curb a health emergency. Instead the emergency was prolonged and exacerbated - through false statistics, relentless fear-porn, the murderous suppression of viable medicines, and more - in order to create a captive market for the new products, the mRNA vaccines.

    It's not the first time a pharmaceutical cartel has been so bold in its ambitions.

    But what really brought the lockdowns to an end? In the UK, it was the political scandals - members of all major parties, but especially the Johnson government, were caught breaking the rules they either cried for, or enacted.

    This was coupled with a mass protest that was planned by the group "NHS100K" - a group of about 100,000 NHS workers who planned a mass walk-out and demonstration against a vaccine mandate that was coming into force for their profession.

    It is suspicious indeed that the lockdowns were lifted just days in advance of this planned demonstration, which would have delivered a last and fatal wound to the government's failing credibility.

If you're new to this subject, you may agree or disagree. But if you disagree, I challenge you to read at least one of the several books I've referenced below, with a genuinely open mind.

If you're entertaining fresh doubts about the narrative, bear in mind - all of us have been tricked at some point in our lives. It is humbling to face it, but better to do so than not.

And if you're broadly on board with these criticisms of the covid vaccines, and refused to take them yourself - I invite you to join this website, and meet others like you.

- Antony

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: Data taken from VAERS on 16/12/2024. For background info on VAERS, see Vaccine Deaths - Official Figures, 16th Sep 2021, Healing Truths. The current figures are: 19,148 reports of death following covid vaccination vs. 5,645 from all other vaccines combined for over thirty years. A VAERS report represents a suspected association with a vaccine, not proven causality, but only a fraction of events that should be reported ever are.

: Hadwen, The Case Against Vaccination, 1896

: World Expert Rips Covid Narrative Apart on Mainstream News, Unjibbed, 10th Dec 2024

: Leake & McCullough, The Courage to Face Covid-19, 2022

: Kory, The War on Ivermectin, 2023

: Mercola & Cummins, The Truth about Covid-19, 2021

: Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, 2021

: Dowd, "Cause Unknown", The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022, 2022

: Covid Critiques, 29th May 2023, Healing Truths

: Craig, Expired: Covid, the Untold Story, 2023

: Waning Vaccine Effectiveness, 11th Nov 2021, Healing Truths

: Dodsworth, A State of Fear, 2021

: Hydroxychloroquine, 30th Jul 2021, Healing Truths

: DuBois, The Devil's Chemists, 1952

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